Its Ganapati time again... 

The best 2 days of the year are back... 
The 2 days for which we prepare the most, but we never think that the prep is sufficient... 
The 2 days when the prep is never sufficient, but it is never inadequate...  
The 2 days when we work the most, but we are never tired... 
The 2 days when we are most nervous of the task ahead, but we are most confident... 
The 2 days when we miss the family the most, but still we never feel lonely... 
The 2 days when we have the most guests, but still they feel like family...
The 2 days when the guest at home is divine and yet feels like a family member... Yet the divine family member leaves in 1.5 days... 

Ganpati time has left so many memories over the years... 

The first year -- when my grandparents were alive... 
The second year -- when both of them passed away in a matter of 6 months... 
The third year -- when I was basking in the glory of my job and first flight experience... 
The fourth year -- when I was on cloud nine due to coming back from my first abroad visit... 
The fifth year -- when we were all happy because my sister's wedding was set... 
The sixth year -- when I missed the festival for the first time ever due to my US visit... 
Then for the first time in US, with S and in-laws... 
Then for the first time in US, this time with S and my parents... when I "took over" the festival from my parents... 
Last 2 years when S and I are doing it all alone... 

Every year has its own significance, its own special reasons to remember and never forget... 
Every year has its own special place on the shelf of memories... 

This year too -- Ganpati Bappa -- please make it memorable... I will do my bit... in effort... and you do your bit... in blessings... 

Ganpati Bappa Moraya... 

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