To BP or not to BP

The BP Oil spill is currently the biggest issue faced by the US, way more serious than the Toyota cars safety issue, the recession or even the Afghan wars. At least that's the way, the hyper active media is projecting it to be. Not that it is a minor blip, but all of a sudden, the remaining 3 problems are a no-show. The oil spill is the hottest dish on the menu for now.

While I was driving back from work today, the low gas indicator was on and I had to fill up gas. I saw a BP gas station and was thinking whether I should fill up gas from BP or not. If I fill up gas from BP, it is against my conscience because filling up gas from BP means paying more dollars to a company which has ruined the entire Gulf coast. And if I choose not to fill up (and so does everyone), then soon the company will run out of business and shut shop, leaving the Gulf coast to ruins.

So, thats the Q -- to BP or not to BP.

In the meanwhile, I saw this ad and I found the whole thing so ironic.

To give a fitting analogy to this ad is like -- A woman catches her husband cheating on her. He is found in bed with another woman, red handed. He is right in the middle of it, does not stop "the act", but instead, he starts apologizing. He assures his life time commitment to her and to the kids and the family.

But he is forgetting the cardinal rule of apologizing, first stop the mistake and then apologize. Dude, first get out of bed, stop your activity and then apologize for whatever you are doing.

Mr. Hayward, first STOP the spill and then talk abt apologies and responsibilities and making up for it.

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