Less than 2 weeks ago, my wife and I celebrated our First Wedding Anniversary... Anyone and everyone who wished us, mentioned the phrase "Cant believe it has been 1 year" without fail... Its not their fault... To tell the truth, even we did not realize that it has been one year since we got married... life has really changed for both of us since the wedding...

So, today i was just thinking how my life would have been if i had not got married... And whatever I could think, was really funny...

* I would still be staying with flatmates, but the better salary would have allowed me the financial freedom of having 1 entire room to myself instead of sharing it with someone...

* Instead of buying a Corolla, I would be driving a Lexus or a Merc but would not have a nice person sitting in that car next to me...

* The most important decision of the day would be to choose the restaurant for lunch...

* I would save all the money I have spent on Phone calling cards to India but would have spent that amount on "Ready to Eat" stuff...

* I would jump on any remote invite for lunch/dinner from my married friends without even thinking of inviting them even once...

* I would have seen most of the US by now and would be searching for most remote of locations for my next long weekend...

* I would have made fun of married guys that they are henpecked...

* I would have full control over the laptop, but would have run out of good stuff eventually... coz I would have been hooked on to the net full time...

* And finally, I would be writing a blog on "how my life would have been if I had got married"...

1 comment:

Mayuresh said...

yeah... happy anniversary..
the list has just encouraged me to spend nother year being single ;)