Yesterday evening, my local football team got trounced and shredded to bits. It was a horrible game and a gutless performance. It does not give a good vibe for the rest of the season. As soon as the game started going south, I went off and slept.
Today began with Indian cricket team taking on Sri Lanka in the final of a stupid Compaq cup. The game was laced with a brilliant century by Sachin and then a gutsy performance by Bhajji to bring the trophy India's way. Until the 8th SL wicket went down, it was anyone's game. I was excited to say the least. As soon as the 8th wicket fell (the 9th fell, next ball), the game was in India's hands. I was so happy after India won the game that I was cheerful for the rest of the day.
Then, in the evening, saw unknown Del Potro take on the might of Roger Federer and deliver a performance which can be termed as the tennis upset of the year. A player whom I love, respect and adore lost against someone who no-one knew before this tournament. As soon as the game was over, I got to make dinner so that I am done in time for the Patriots season opener.
This pats game turned out to be a total humdinger. Even until the last play (3 seconds), any team could have won. It was such a humdinger that I was actually shouting and wifey's doubt about my craziness were gaining more and more conviction with every passing second. As soon as the game was over, I was very very happy. Felt good enough to work for a couple of hours into the midnight.
Which brings me to the thought -- are we armchair fans in the best position? Nothing to lose, everything to celebrate. If the team we support wins, we get the bragging rights. We get every right to gloat about. But on any occasion when the team loses, we can blame the bunch of overpaid fatsos and conviniently slide away from the wrath.
Do we, the armchair fans, have nothing to lose and everything to gain? Are we safe?
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