Two high profile Indians go through a similar bad experience. I would not call the experience a shocker or a trauma etc. It is something that any one of us might have to go through.

APJ and SRK are two people who are in two professions which are as different as chalk and cheese. Both of them have raised the bar and have set such high standards for themselves in their own way that a sizeable chunk of Indian population regard them in high esteem. The fan following is pretty much similar across gender / age / profession.

Both of them go through a similar experience -- APJ was frisked in India and SRK in US. Both of them are Muslims, one is a nuclear scientist and other is in a profession where bad elements of the society invest a lot of their black money.

But, the gracious way in which APJ handled it probably showed how dignified he is. I do not think SRK is creating an issue here, it could be the hyperactive media. But SRK can keep his mouth shut and let this whole thing die away instead of giving media bytes and adding fuel to fire.

Just amazed how the same situation can be handled smartly and how it can be messed up as well.

1 comment:

Sharath said...

You have mirrored my thoughts perfectly Nikhil. I am also disappointed at the media's hypocricy. They are going all out to publicize SRK's alleged illtreatment but APJ's incident mustered only a few lines in all reports. Is this because people want to know what happens to SRK (who has been created by the people) more than APJ (who has worked for the people). Disappointing to state the least.