Last week, wifey forwarded this link And this video reminded me of a very funny experience a couple of years back...
We were flying back from Miami to Philadelphia after a 4 day vacation... It had been an exhausting day... The weather at the beach had been brutal and the mental agony of the fact that the vacation is getting over with every passing minute and the boring routine for the workweek lurking ahead were making the torture even unbearable... Then this funny flight announcer started the party... His announcements cheered us up and we actually felt that the vacation actually was extended by a hour and a half of the flight... He cracked us up with his witty one-liners and made our journey thoroughly enjoyable... Of our numerous flight journeys, this one remains always fresh in our memories...
Similarly, I had a colleague in engineering... Due to his Bengali surname (though he was not actually a Bong), we used to affectionately call him Babu moshaay... He was an average student who managed to pass comfortably but never featured amongst the rankers... Very Lazy in every aspect... Not so active in sports or extra cirricular activities or reading or general knowledge or speaking skills... Overall, nothing spectacular worth mentioning abt him... But his biggest (and only) asset was a very good sense of humor... With his silliest comments, he used to crack everyone up... Even the professors were never spared... This made his company the most craved one... He used to be on every organizing comittee and every group and every function... We spoke a few days back and i was glad to find out that he still retained his most important asset...
Then in the office life, there was a guy (who later was my roommate as well) who always knew how to release the tension with one silly comment... His sense of humor and wit was not as spontaneous as Babu Moshaay's and more often than not, repetitive... But still, that made him popular and a wanted (well, not most-wanted) fellow...
Even now, it can be seen that people with a sense of humor (albeit laced with sarcasm) command a special mention and are very popular... Be it friend circle, office group or relatives, wit and humor is a entry ticket to the show...
Sadly, this is one thing which either you have or you do not have... It cannot be learnt... One can learn a few jokes here and there, but the spontaneity is either inborn or not... This time, I am on the wrong side of the receiving end... Thankfully, wifey makes it up for both of us and keep me grinning regularly... She is most-wanted everywhere and i just tag along ;-)
Hopefully, my readers are lucky (either inborn or partner wise)...
Who was the babu maushay?
Hon!! You are under-estimating yourself , a lot :-)
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