This is one tradition which might get laughed at in Indian culture. If someone asks an Indian to dress himself/herself and his/her kids as monsters and take them door to door threatening with "trick-or-treat" to get candy, then one would be categorized as "crazy", "psycho" or even someone who practices witchcraft.
But strange are the ways of life in different lands and here in the land of uncle SAM, this tradition is celebrated as as festival and might be the kids favorite amongst all the festivals celebrated in the year. Parents relent to their kids as well as the kid within themselves and thoroughly revel in this festive atmosphere.
Though, ideally, kids are supposed to be dressed as scary and spooky, some parents have taken the liberty to improvise this tradition and dress their kids as something creative. Most common being Animals, Cartoon characters and Superstars (esp, Elvis).
Wifey, being the kid she is, thoroughly enjoyed the day. Her day started with fabulous cup cakes in the office. These cup cakes had spooky ring as toppings. Then there was a goodies bag where all weird items like scary rings and buttons etc. Then, yours truly was dispatched (one day earlier) to buy a bag-full of assorted candy which was loaded on a attractive bowl. There was Diwali decoration on the outside of our home and that served as Halloween decoration for the kids. :-?
As soon as it started getting dark, kids started knocking on our door and demanding candy. A family friend's kids got the unique privilege of getting the goodie bag. A gang of elderly kids got the spooky rings and they were very happy about it. A lot of kids liked our house because our house was one of few ones where they had the freedom of taking all the candy that they could in one fist.
The creativity in the costumes and the make-up was very evident and overall, it was a scary and a enjoyable evening.
The kids and the costumes are so cuute :-D And yeah-your wifey did mention that she had a lot of fun :-)
@RS -- Wait till we share rest of the photos.
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