This post is dedicated to a bunch of people whom I have met over a period of last few years - friends, families, acquaintances etc. and my interaction with them...
1 - Live, don't just exist -- I have heard this quote from umpteen forwarded emails over the years. Never had a chance to get a justification. Then one day, all of a sudden, one close relative was suddenly unwell. When we called to check on him, I mentioned that I was worried about him. He said - "I have enjoyed my life, I have lived my life and done almost everything that I wanted to do. If I die now, I will die happily with all my wishes fulfilled. My bucket list is almost empty". That one statement changed my perspective about this quote.
2 - Listen to your heart but obey your brain - or - think with your heart, decide with your brain -- Another quote passed on to me as a bit of wisdom from my old roommate. He was almost 5-6 years older than me and had been there, done that. A very wise statement that lets you choose the right options and then choose the wisest one amongst all. Even to date, I follow it to the core and have not regretted it.
3 - Empty the bucket list -- A very good friend of mine recently chose to quit a good job, drive all across the country, spend a month with entire family, another month with friends (a day or 2 with each good friend) throughout his journey to a well thought destination from the career point of view. He obviously took a big risk, which I would not dare to do today, but was probably banking on the fact that he has a very good reputation at work and he can always come back to this workplace in the worst case scenario. In any case, he would not have incurred anything other that some financial hollow. Turns out he has landed up a good job at a very prestigious company. Aal is well now.
4 - Empty the bucket list -- This topic has the same description as the previous one, intentionally. Another colleague quit his job after working for 12 years. He has saved enough money to last him for a couple of years and he wants to do everything that he ever wanted to do. This is much riskier than the 2 month break that the earlier friend has taken, but this friend's motto is - do it when you can do it. The risk is worth it.
5 - Its never too late to empty the bucket list -- And for the rest, who are not quite the risk takers, don't hesitate to start checking off the items now. Its never too late or too early to do it. And when you do what you always want to do, it is still equally exhilarating and satisfying.
So, last weekend, when S and I checked off one more off our list. It was supposed to be a surprise for S, the bubble burst just a few minutes before that though. It was still an amazing feeling to say "CHECK!!!"
Fully worth it... Just that the list is too long!!!