Scene 1 - My Office. Regular work day, time around 3.30 pm. Few people grabbing that extra cup of fresh Starbucks brew and keep them going until the clock ticks 5. Few others, who usually leave work early, are bringing their work to a halt to sign off for the day. The rest going through the routine grind of conference calls, deadlines and issues. In a gist, just another day at the office.
Suddenly, the fire alarm goes off and the strobe starts flashing at an interval of every second. It takes the staff a few seconds to realize that there is something wrong and the office needs to be evacuated, immediately. Some had the presence of mind to grab a jacket, just in case it is cold outside the office. Others were smart enough to bring their car keys, just in case the security team does not allow access back into the building soon. And some were diligent enough to bring their laptop, jacket, lunch bag and one cup of coffee before they evacuated the building.
When we were walking (yes, walking, not running) out of the building, the nostrils could detect something weird - most probably electric short circuit - in the air. There was no panic what so ever with anyone, except one person - our Security in charge. And he had not panicked - but he was running to every single cube in the entire office to ensure that it has been thoroughly evacuated.
Soon, the firemen arrived. Donning their fireman suit and a helmet, armed with an ax and a flashlight, they walked into a empty building where there were sparks flying close to a gas line. I was so amazed how they could do that - without knowing the magnitude of what is waiting for them inside there, how can they go in? This is courage, I thought, stepping on to the battlefield to tackle an unknown devil.
Scene 2 - 9/11 WTC. Hundreds of FDNY firemen jump into a blazing building trying to save thousands of people trapped in the building. There is this 88 storey building that has caught fire due to a huge plane crashing into it. There is a ball of fire already engulfing the top 20 odd floors. There is a good chance that you will not come alive into it.
And still, to step into this battlefield to tackle the known devil - This is bravery, I thought.
Scene 3 - Japan Nuclear Reactor - Atleast 10000 people have died and thousands more have been displaced in one of the biggest natural disasters of all times. A nuclear reactor has developed problems where it is emitting radiations so high that it can cause severe problems for generations. An area of about 50 mile radius has been evacuated. And right in the middle of that reactor, are 40 engineers trying to get things back in order. At one point of time, things turned so bad that they had to be airlifted out of there. The moment things turned a bit better, they returned back to the reactor, to resume their efforts.
With the radiation exposure they are already subjected to, they know that they have been affected for life - and not just them, but anyone and everyone that they will ever come in contact with as long as they stand a risk of being infected as well. Their future generations will have so many genetic disorders that the sheer thought of it all is mind-numbing. And if you are lucky, you will escape the suffering and die immediately.
I have no words to describe these noble men - who step into the battlefield to tackle the known monster.